Team Name Contest

Bloomsday Corporate Cup is sponsored
by Northwest Orthopaedic Specialists:

Remember this when entering Bloomsday's Corporate Cup:
It's Good to be Clever!
2023 Best Team Names
1st Place:
"Running Phar ma Life" – Selkirk Pharma
2nd Place:
"Running our Assets Off" - STCU
"Carbs Against Humanity" - Idaho Forest Group
The Judicial Panel in 2023:
Arman Mohsenian COR Regenerative
Trisha Bruininks -NWOS
Tamara McGregor – Inlander
Kelly Brown – Friends of Manito
Crystal Yurik – Alliant
Michael Kiter – Bloomsday Board and
Sarah Ranson- Bloomsday Chair of Corporate Cup
TOP TEAM NAMES (2004-2019)
- First: Spiceology - "Makin' Good Thyme"
- Second: Northwest Farm Credit Services- "Running our Dairy Airs Off"
- Third: Physical Therapy Associates - "Virtually Good Runners"
- First: H2E - "It Megahertz But We Conduit"
- Second: Spokane Symphony - "Run Your Rachmaninoff"
- Third: Eymann Allison Hunter Jones - "Ruthless B Gimpsburg"
- First: Kaiser Aluminum: "Aluminumb to the Pain"
- Second: Spokane Symphony: "Running Against the Winds"
- Third: Drywall Specialties Inc.: "Smooth Finishers'"
- First: BDO USA: "We'd Depreciate an Uber"
- Second: Franz: "Gluten for Punishment"
- Third: Potlatch Corporation: "Loggin' and Joggin'"
- First: Dingus, Zarecor & Associates, PLLC: "Audit La Vista, Baby"
- Second: Premera Blue Cross: "Blue by You"
- Third: Winston & Cashatt, Lawyers: "Law and Odor"
- First: Workland & Witherspoon, PLLC: "Our Briefs Are Tight"
- Second: Inland Northwest Blood Center: "B Positive"
- Third: Franz: "Thunder Buns"
- First: GU English Department: "Pair O'Thighs Lost"
- Second: Spokane Public Schools: "No Teacher Left Behind"
- Third: James Hoppe DDS: "Don't Follow Us We're Flossed"
- First: Hair, Etc.: "Cut to the Chase"
- Second: Newport Sullivan Lake Ranger District: "A Forest to be Reckoned With"
- Third: The Law Firm of Eymann Allison Hunter Jones: "The Sequestrians"
- First: Spokane Valley Fire Dept.: "Feeling the Burn"
- Second: Newport Hospital and Health Services: "ICU at the Finish Line"
- Third: Inland Imaging Associates, P.S.: "X-Raycers"
- First: Gonzaga Univ. English Dept.: "The Traipse of Wrath"
- Second: Miller Paint: "Our Colors Run"
- Third: Spokane Symphony: "Here Comes Treble"
- First: B & B Physical Therapy : "Plantar Fascists"
- Second: Spokane County : "Worst Pace Scenario"
- Third: Vaagen Bros. Lumber, Inc. : "Lumbering Along"
- First: P.O.V. Ranger District: "Run Forest Run"
- Second: Workland & Witherspoon, PLLC: "May It Please The Course"
- Third: Inland Power & Light Co.: "Running With The Current"
- First: ALSC Architects: "Running Our Buttresses Off"
- Second: Craven's Coffee: "No Bean Left Behind"
- Third: Inland Cardiology Associates: "Cath Us If You Can"
- First: Columbia Paint: "Shakin' Our Cans"
- Second: Michael R. Bell & Co.: "Decreasing Our Bottom Line"
- Third: Gonzaga University English Department: "Supersonnets"
- First: STCU: "We'll CU and Race You 12K"
- Second: James Hoppe, DDS: "You Know The Drill"
- Third: Gonzaga Law School: "Lawllygaggers"
- First: Bonner General Hospital: "Follow the Bleeder"
- Second: Payne Financial Group: "No Payne, No Gain"
- Third: B&B Physical Therapy: "The Hot Pack"
- First: Inland Vascular Institute: "We're So Vein"
- Second: Southwest Airlines: "Cool Your Jets"
- Third: Spokane Teacher's Credit Union: "CU at the Finish Line"